Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One chick egg is beginning to hatch!

You can see the egg in the front on the right has a spot missing where the chick has started to use his egg tooth to get out of the shell. 19 kindergarteners and myself are very EAGERLY awaiting his arrival!

The kids had some encouragement for him today. This is what they had to say:

"I wish you would come out NOW!"
"You can do it!"
"Go Chick!"
"If you come out, I will be your friend."
"It is really fun out here!"
"Wait until you get to kindergarten, you will LOVE it!"
"Come out."
"I hope you hatch."
"We want you to come out!"
"Come out safely!"
"I hope you come out!"
"You are a good chicken!"
"I am sorry that I have eaten some of your brothers and sisters because my family eats chicken for dinner, but I will not eat you."
"If you come out, I will give you extra grain!"

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